This Portion of Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation contains Measurement of Non-Electric Quantities MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- Linear Displacement Transducers
- Strain Guages and measurement of strain
- Wheatstone Bridges
- Measurement of Pressure
- Types of Pressure Measurement Devices
- Measurement of Torque
- Measurement of Linear Velocity
- Measurement of Angular Velocity
- Electrical Tachometers
- Digital Methods
- Stroboscope
- Measurement of Vibration
- Seismic Transducers
- Accelerometers
- Measurement of Temperature
- Semi-Conductor Thermometer
- Thermistors
- Thermocouples
- Measurement of Flow
- Measurement of Liquid Level
- Measurement of Thickness
- Measurement of Humidity
- Measurement of Sound using microphones
- Measurement of pH Value
- Measurement of thermal conductivity
- Nuclear Instrumentation
1. In a ballast circuit, the resistance of ballast and the strain gauge are 100 Ω each. The input voltage is 10 V. the gauge factor of the strain gauge is 2 and strain of 10-6 is applied, the output voltage of ballast circuit is :
- 0.25 µV
- 1 µV
- 0.5 µV
- 2 µV
2. When measuring strain, ballast circuits use a capacitor to act as high pass filter. This is done when
- Static strains are being measured
- Dynamic strains are being measured
- Both dynamic and static strains are being measured
- None of the above.
3. Two strain gauges are used to measure strain in a cantilevel. One gauge is mounted on top of the cantilever and the other is placed at the bottom. The two strain gauges form two arms of a voltage sensitive wheatstone bride. This bridge configuration is called:
- A quarter bridge
- A half bridge
- A full bridge
- A null bridge.
4. Dummy strain gauges are used for:
- Compensation of temperature changes
- Increasing the sensitivity of bridge in which they are included
- Compensating for different expansion
- Calibration of strain gauges.
5. The output of a strain gauge bridge using two active strain gauges used in poisson’s configuration is_____ Where v = poission’s ratio, Gf = gauge factor, ԑ= strain , ei = excitation voltage of bridge.
- (vGf ԑei)/4
- (vGf ԑei)/2
- ((1+v)Gf ԑei)/2
- ((1+v)Gf ԑei)/4
6. Hoop stresses act :
- In radial direction
- In axial direction
- In both axial and radian directions
- None of the above.
7. Strain guage rosettes are used
- When the direction of principal stress is known
- When the direction of principal stress is not known
- When the direction of hoop stress is not knows
- When the direction of longitudinal stress is not known
8. In a thermocouple pressure gauge, the temperature of heater element is a function of pressure for pressure ranges
- Above atmosphere
- Below 1 mm of Hg
- Below 10-3 mm of Hg
- Below 1 µm of Hg
9. Pirani gauge is useful for measurement of pressure
- Between 10-1 to 10-3
- Between 10-1 to 10-6 mm of Hg
- 10-1 to 10-9 of Hg
- Between 10-1 to 10-12 mm of Hg
10. In ionization type of vacuum gauges, the pressure is P is______ Where IG= grid current, IP= plate current and IK= cathode current.
- P ∝ IG/IP
- P ∝ IP/IG
- P ∝ IK/IG
- P ∝ IP/IK
11. In strain gauge torque transducers, the strain gauges should be mounted at
- 0° to the shaft axis
- At 45° to the shaft axis
- 90° to the shaft axis
- 60° to the shaft axis
12. In D.C technogenerators used for measurement of speed of a shaft , frequent calibration has to done because
- The contacts wear off
- The strength of permanent magnet decrease with age
- The armature current produces heating effects
- All the above.
13. In a drag cup type a.c tachogenerator, the output voltage is :
- Sinusoidal
- In the form of pulses
- Modulated waveform
- Constant d.c because rectifiers are used.
14. A toothed type tachogenerator has 60 teeth. A magnetic pick up is used in conjuction with it. The number of pulses generated per second in the magnetic pick up is _______If the speed of the shaft to which the toothed wheel connected is 25 rps.
- 3000
- 1500
- 12800
- 1200
15. An induction motor is rotating at a speed of 1470 rpm. A disc marked with one star is attached to it. A stroboscope flashes light on it at a frequency of 12.5 flashes per second:
- It is observed that the star mark moves at a speed of 30 rpm in the direction of rotation
- It is observed that the star mark moves at a speed of 30 rpm against the direction of rotation
- It is observed that the star mark remain stationary
- It is observed that the star mark moves against the direction of rotation at a speed of 60 rpm.
16. When seismic transducers are used in the acceleration made they should be designed with
- Stiff spring and small mass
- Heavy mass and weak springs
- Weak springs and small mass.
- None of the above.
17. When accelerometers operate in the displacement mode the ratio of forcing frequency to natural frequency should be
- Below 1
- Below 2
- Above 2
- Above 200
18. Piezoelectric accelerometers meters:
- Should not be used for high frequencies above 100 Hz
- Should be used for low frequencies
- Should use a monitoring source of low input impedance
- Have a low natural frequency.
19. Law of intermediate metals in thermocouples allow them to :
- Use reference junction compensation
- Use meters for measurement without disturbing the circuit conditions
- Use extension wires of materials other than the one used for making thermocouples
- Both b and c
20. A thermocouple:
- Has a low time constant when it is bare
- Has a low time constant when it is provided with a sheath
- Has the same time constant whether it is bar or is provided with sheath
- None of the above.
21. If the temperature of a radiating body is 1500°C, the wavelength at which the maximum radiant energy occurs:
- 2.8 µm
- 1.63 µm
- 1 µm
- 20.8 µm
22. Radiation pyrometers are used in the temperature range of :
- 0 - 500°C
- 500 - 1000°C
- -250 - 500°C
- 1200 - 2500°C