This Portion of Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation contains Signal Conditioning MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.


1. A 741 OPAMP has,

  • 6 pins
  • 7 pins
  • 8 pins
  • 9 pins

2. A 741 OPAMP has a open loop gain 200,000. The input offset voltage is 2 mV. If the input terminals are shorted , the output voltage is :

  • 0 V
  • 400 V
  • ±400 V.

3. In order to eliminate the output voltage on account of input offset voltage,

  • A nulling potentiometer is connected between pins 1 and 5 and potentiometer is adjusted to give zero output voltage. No voltage input is applied
  • A nulling potentiometer is connected between ping 1 and 5 and sliding contact of the POT is connected to pin 4(V – of supply). The POT is adjusted to give zero, no input voltage is applied
  • A blocking capacitor is used at the input of non inverting end
  • An external offsetting potentiometer is used whose sliding contact is connected to the output terminal. This potentiometer is adjusted to give zero output voltage with no input voltage applied.

4. An active half wave voltage follower circuit has an input of 10 sinωt V. The input resistance has value 2 kΩ and feedback resistance is 10 kΩ. The expression for input voltage is :

  • 50 sinωt V for 0 < ωt < π, 0 V for π < ωt < 2π
  • 60 sinωt V for 0 < ωt < π, 0 V for π < ωt < 2π
  • 60 sinωt V for 0 < ωt < 2π
  • 50 sinωt V for 0 < ωt < 2π

5. The output of an OPAMP is 2 V peak. The slew rate is 5 V / µ. The input sinusoidal which can be reproduced with no distortion has the maximum frequency of :

  • 398 Hz
  • 1592 kHz
  • 125 × 103 Hz
  • 398 kHz

6. A differential amplifier has + 100 mV applied to non inverting end and + 250 mV applied to inverting end. The output is 1.5 V. the gain of the amplifier is :

  • 10
  • 4.29
  • 0.6
  • 15

7. A differential amplifier having CMRR 50,000 has a difference mode gain of 500. The common mode gain is :

  • 1
  • 0.1
  • 0.01
  • 0.001

8. A differential amplifier has a common mode gain of 0.02. it has + 200 mV signals applied to each of its inputs. The amplitude of output signal is :

  • 0 V
  • 8 mV
  • 4 mV
  • None of the above.

9. The output from a transducer has a frequency of 50 Hz. It modulates (amplitude modulation) a carrier having a frequency of 1 kHz. The output wave shape contains frequencies which are:

  • 1000 Hz, 1050 Hz
  • 1000 Hz, 950 Hz.
  • 950 Hz and 1050 Hz.
  • 2000 Hz ± 100 Hz

10. The output from a transducer is a non sinusoidal wave having frequencies ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4. The carrier frequency is ωc. the frequency spectrum of output wave contains frequencies

  • ωc ± ω1
  • ωc ± ω2
  • ωc ± ω1c ± ω2c ± ω3
  • ωc ± ω1c ± ω2c ± ω3c ± ω4

11. A low pass filter has a time constant of τ . its gain at a frequency ω is,

  • √(1+ (ωτ)2 )
  • ωτ/√(1+ ω2 τ2 )
  • ωτ/√(1+ (ωτ)2)
  • None of the above.

12. A high pass filter has a time constant of τ, its gain at a frequency ω is,

  • √(1+ (ωτ)2 )
  • ωτ/√(1+ ω2 τ2 )
  • ωτ/√(1+ (ωτ)2)
  • None of the above.

13. A input circuit of variable resistance transducer consists of a ballast resistance, in series with the transducer resistance Rt . The resistance of the transducer for a particular input is kRi, where k is a constant. If the input circuit is supplied by an input voltage ei. The sensitivity of the transducer is

  • (ei Rb)/((Rb+ kRt))
  • (ei Rb)/((Rb+ kRt))2
  • (ei Rb)/((Rb+ kRt))3
  • (ei RbkTt)/((Rb+ kRt))3

14. In a voltage sensitive Wheatstone, having each arm having a resistance R, the resistance of one of the arm is changed to R+∆R where ∆R≪R. the Wheatstone bridge is supplied with an input voltage of ei, the output voltage on account of unbalance is

  • ((∆R/R)/(2+∆R/R)) ei
  • ((∆R/R)/(4+∆R/R)) ei
  • ((2∆R/R)/(4+∆R/R)) ei
  • ((∆R/R)/(4+2∆R/R)) ei

15. The bridge sensitivity factor for a Blumlein bridge using two inductive transducers in push pull arrangement is,

  • (2 Lc/ L)/((1+ Lc/ L))
  • (4 Lc/ L)/((1+ 2Lc/ L))
  • (4 Lc/ L)/((1+ Lc/ L))
  • (2 Lc/ L)/((1+ 2Lc/ L))

16. In a Blumlein bridge using two capacitive transducers in push pull configuration, the bridge sensitivity factor above the resonance frequency for a tightly coupled bridge is ,

  • 2 and is independent of the variations of the bridge frequency and ratio arm inductance
  • 2 and is dependent of the variations of the bridge frequency and ratio arm inductance
  • Practically constant and is lower than that of bridge with uncoupled arms
  • Variable and is dependent upon the frequency even though the ratio arms are tightly coupled.

17. A low pass RC filter acts as a pure integrator when_______where  ω = applied frequency and τ = time constant of RC circuit.

  • ωτ = 1
  • ωτ << 1
  • ωτ >> 1
  • ωτ = 0

18. A high pass RC filter acts as a pure differentiator when______________where  ω = applied frequency and τ = time constant of RC circuit.

  • ωτ = 1
  • ωτ << 1
  • ωτ >> 1
  • ωτ = 0

19. An 8 bit converter is used for a d.c range of 0-10V. find the weight of LSB.

  • 39 mV
  • 78 mV
  • 39.2 mV
  • None of the above.

20. A 5 bit D/A converter has a current output. The digital input is 10100 and the output current corresponding to this is 10 mA. What will be output current for digital input of 11101?

  • 10.5 mA
  • 14.5 mA
  • 29 mA
  • None of the above.

21. A successive approximation A/D converter has a resolution 20 mV. What will be its digital output for an analog input of 2.17 V ?

  • 01101100
  • 01101 101
  • 01101011
  • None of the above.

22. A analog transducer has a range 0-10V. calculate its of an converter if the resolution is 5 mA

  • 10
  • 9
  • 11
  • None of the above

23. The 0-10V A/D converter has to have a , resolution of 0.025 percent. Find the r.m.s value of quantization error.

  • 176 µV
  • 705 µV
  • 352 µV
  • 1410 µV


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