This Portion of Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation contains Signal Conditioning MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- Signal Conditioning
- Operational Amplifier
- OPAMPS Circuits Used in instrumentation
- Differential Amplifier
- Instrumentation Amplifier
- Attenuators
- Amplitude modulation
- Amplitude Demodulation
- Filters
- LC Filters
- Active Filters
- Wheatstone Bridges
- A.C Bridges
- Analog/Digital/Analog Conversion Techniques
- Integration and differentiation Using R.C Circuits
- Clipping Circuits
1. Excitation and amplification systems are needed for :
- For active transducers only
- For passive transducers only
- For both active and passive transducers
- For both passive and output transducers
2. A d.c amplifier
- Needs to have a balanced differential inputs with a high common mode rejection ratio(CMRR) to give very good thermal and long term stability
- Easy to calibrate at low frequencies and has ability to recover from overload conditions
- Is prove to drift and low frequency spurious signals come out as data information
- Is followed by a low pass filter to eliminate high frequency components including noise from the data signal
- All the above
3. When using a.c signal conditioning system for capacitive transducers , the carrier frequencies,
- Range between 50 Hz an 20 kHz
- Should be of the order of 0.5 MHz
- Should be of the order of 20MHz
- None of the above.
4. An a.c signal conditioning system is normally used for
- Resistive transducers like strain gauges
- Inductive and capacitive transducers
- Piezoelectric transducers
- All of the above.
5. In a carrier system, drift and spurious signals are important,
- Because they modulate the carrier
- Because they do not modulate the carrier
- Because it is easy to achieve a stable carrier than a stabilized d.c source.
- None of the above.
6. When using d.c signal conditioning system, with a carrier of 3 kHz, the data frequency should be limited to :
- 1 kHz
- 5 Hz
- 600 Hz
- 2 MHz
7. An operational amplifier has an open loop gain of 200000Ω.its output exhibits saturation at 10 V. the threshold differential voltage of the amplifier is:
- 25 µV
- 50 µV
- 0.5 mV
- 10 V
8. An ideal OPAMP has a gain of – 100. The input is connected to inverting end and the input resistance is 1 KΩ. The feedback resistance is ,
- 100 KΩ
- 10 Ω
- 100 Ω
- 1000 KΩ
9. An ideal OPAMP has a gain of – 100. The input is connected to inverting end and the input resistance is 1 KΩ. The value of feedback resistance is :
- 101 KΩ
- 99 KΩ
- 9.9 KΩ
- 1.01 KΩ
10. The properties of an ideal OPAMP are,
- It should have zero input impedance
- It should have an infinite output impedance
- It should have a zero open loop gain
- None of the above.
11. The closed loop gain of an OPAMP is dependent upon whether the OPAMP is used,
- In inverting mode
- In non-inverting mode
- Is independent of the fact whether the input is connected to inverting or the non-inverting terminal
- Is dependent upon the fact that whether the input is connected to inverting or the non-inverting terminal.
12. The differential (open loop) gain of an OPAMP is 20,000. The input resistance is 2 kΩ and the feedback resistor has a value of 200 kΩ. the closed loop gain of the amplifier is :
- -9.9995
- -9.9955
- -10
- +10
13. A buffer amplifier has gain of
- Infinite
- Zero
- Unity
- Depend upon the circuit parameter
14. An operational amplifier has a bandwidth of 100kHz. Negative feedback is introduced with a loop gain of 50. The bandwidth with feedback is
- 2kHz
- 49kHz
- 5.1MHz
- 1.96kHz.
15. The order of input resistance of 741 OPAMP is,
- 10 Ω to 103 Ω
- 103 Ω to 106 Ω
- 103 Ω to 109 Ω
- 10 ×103 Ω to 109 Ω
16. The order of output resistance of 741 OPAMP is,
- 0.1 Ω to 10 Ω
- 10 Ω to 105 kΩ
- 10 ×103 Ω to 109 Ω
- 103 Ω to 106 Ω.
17. The gain of a 741 OPAMP falls off at a low frequency of,
- 10 kHz
- 10 Hz
- 100 Hz
- 1000 Hz
18. An OPAMP having an open loop gain of Avol is designed with feed factor β where β = R1/(R1+ Rf ) is the input resistance connected to non-inverting end and R is the resistance in the feedback path, the closed loop gain is :
- -Rf/R1 [ 1/(1+(1/Avol β))]
- Rf/R1 [ 1/(1+(1 + Avol β))]
- Rf/R1 [ 1/(1+(1 - Avol β))]
- -Rf/R1 [ 1/(1+(1 + Avol β))]
19. An OPAMP having an open loop gain is designed with a loop gain (Avol β) where β = R1/(R1+ Rf ) with R1 = resistance connected to non-inverting end and Rf = resistance connected in the feedback path, the input resistance of the amplifier (Rinf) with feedback is :
- Rinf = Rin (1+ Avol β)
- Rinf = Rin (1- Avol β)
- Rinf = Rin (1+β)
- Rinf = Rin (1- β)
20. An OPAMP having an open loop gain is designed with a loop gain (Avol β) where β = R1/(R1+ Rf ) with R1 = resistance connected to non-inverting end and Rf = resistance connected in the feedback path, the output resistance of the amplifier (Rof) with feedback is :
- Rof = R0/(1- Avol β)
- Rof = R0/(1- β)
- Rof = R0/(1+ β)
- Rof = R0/(1+ Avol β)
21. Offset voltages in OPAMP are produced because of :
- Variations in the input voltage applied to the amplifier
- Mismatch between the two differential amplifiers which form the IC of the OPAMP chip
- Mismatch between the input signals applied to the OPAMP
- None of the above.
22. The typical value of input offset voltage of a 741 OPAMP is :
- 2 µV
- 12 mV
- 2 V
- 0.2 V
23. The typical value of input offset Current of a 741 OPAMP is :
- 10 nA
- 10 mA
- 10 pA
- 100 mA