This Portion of Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation contains Signal Conditioning MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.

This Section covers below lists of topics.

  1. Signal Conditioning
  2. Operational Amplifier
  3. OPAMPS Circuits Used in instrumentation
  4. Differential Amplifier
  5. Instrumentation Amplifier
  6. Attenuators
  7. Amplitude modulation
  8. Amplitude Demodulation
  9. Filters
  10. LC Filters
  11. Active Filters
  12. Wheatstone Bridges
  13. A.C Bridges
  14. Analog/Digital/Analog Conversion Techniques
  15. Integration and differentiation Using R.C Circuits
  16. Clipping Circuits


1. Excitation and amplification systems are needed for :

  • For active transducers only
  • For passive transducers only
  • For both active and passive transducers
  • For both passive and output transducers

2. A d.c amplifier

  • Needs to have a balanced differential inputs with a high common mode rejection ratio(CMRR) to give very good thermal and long term stability
  • Easy to calibrate at low frequencies and has ability to recover from overload conditions
  • Is prove to drift and low frequency spurious signals come out as data information
  • Is followed by a low pass filter to eliminate high frequency components including noise from the data signal
  • All the above

3. When using a.c signal conditioning system for capacitive transducers , the carrier frequencies,

  • Range between 50 Hz an 20 kHz
  • Should be of the order of 0.5 MHz
  • Should be of the order of 20MHz
  • None of the above.

4. An a.c signal conditioning system is normally used for

  • Resistive transducers like strain gauges
  • Inductive and capacitive transducers
  • Piezoelectric transducers
  • All of the above.

5. In a carrier system, drift and spurious signals are important,

  • Because they modulate the carrier
  • Because they do not modulate the carrier
  • Because it is easy to achieve a stable carrier than a stabilized d.c source.
  • None of the above.

6. When using d.c signal conditioning system, with a carrier of 3 kHz, the data frequency should be limited to :

  • 1 kHz
  • 5 Hz
  • 600 Hz
  • 2 MHz

7. An operational amplifier has an open loop gain of 200000Ω.its output exhibits saturation at 10 V. the threshold differential voltage of the amplifier is:

  • 25 µV
  • 50 µV
  • 0.5 mV
  • 10 V

8. An ideal OPAMP has a gain of – 100. The input is connected to inverting end and the input resistance is 1 KΩ. The feedback resistance is ,

  • 100 KΩ
  • 10 Ω
  • 100 Ω
  • 1000 KΩ

9. An ideal OPAMP has a gain of – 100. The input is connected to inverting end and the input resistance is 1 KΩ. The value of feedback resistance is :

  • 101 KΩ
  • 99 KΩ
  • 9.9 KΩ
  • 1.01 KΩ

10. The properties of an ideal OPAMP are,

  • It should have zero input impedance
  • It should have an infinite output impedance
  • It should have a zero open loop gain
  • None of the above.

11. The closed loop gain of an OPAMP is dependent upon whether the OPAMP is used,

  • In inverting mode
  • In non-inverting mode
  • Is independent of the fact whether the input is connected to inverting or the non-inverting terminal
  • Is dependent upon the fact that whether the input is connected to inverting or the non-inverting terminal.

12. The differential (open loop) gain of an OPAMP is 20,000. The input resistance is 2 kΩ and the feedback resistor has a value of 200 kΩ. the closed loop gain of the amplifier is :

  • -9.9995
  • -9.9955
  • -10
  • +10

13. A buffer amplifier has gain of

  • Infinite
  • Zero
  • Unity
  • Depend upon the circuit parameter

14. An operational amplifier has a bandwidth of 100kHz. Negative feedback is introduced with a loop gain of 50. The bandwidth with feedback is

  • 2kHz
  • 49kHz
  • 5.1MHz
  • 1.96kHz.

15. The order of input resistance of 741 OPAMP is,

  • 10 Ω to 103 Ω
  • 103 Ω to 106 Ω
  • 103 Ω to 109 Ω
  • 10 ×103 Ω to 109 Ω

16. The order of output resistance of 741 OPAMP is,

  • 0.1 Ω to 10 Ω
  • 10 Ω to 105
  • 10 ×103 Ω to 109 Ω
  • 103 Ω to 106 Ω.

17. The gain of a 741 OPAMP falls off at a low frequency of,

  • 10 kHz
  • 10 Hz
  • 100 Hz
  • 1000 Hz

18. An OPAMP having an open loop gain of Avol is designed with feed factor β where β = R1/(R1+ Rf )  is the input resistance connected to non-inverting end and R is the resistance in the feedback path, the closed loop gain is :

  • -Rf/R1 [ 1/(1+(1/Avol β))]
  • Rf/R1 [ 1/(1+(1 + Avol β))]
  • Rf/R1 [ 1/(1+(1 - Avol β))]
  • -Rf/R1 [ 1/(1+(1 + Avol β))]

19. An OPAMP having an open loop gain is designed with a loop gain (Avol β) where β = R1/(R1+ Rf )   with R1 = resistance connected to non-inverting end and  Rf = resistance connected in the feedback path, the input resistance of the amplifier (Rinf) with feedback is :

  • Rinf = Rin (1+ Avol β)
  • Rinf = Rin (1- Avol β)
  • Rinf = Rin (1+β)
  • Rinf = Rin (1- β)

20. An OPAMP having an open loop gain is designed with a loop gain (Avol β) where β = R1/(R1+ Rf )   with R1 = resistance connected to non-inverting end and  Rf = resistance connected in the feedback path, the output resistance of the amplifier (Rof) with feedback is :

  • Rof = R0/(1- Avol β)
  • Rof = R0/(1- β)
  • Rof = R0/(1+ β)
  • Rof = R0/(1+ Avol β)

21. Offset voltages in OPAMP are produced because of :

  • Variations in the input voltage applied to the amplifier
  • Mismatch between the two differential amplifiers which form the IC of the OPAMP chip
  • Mismatch between the input signals applied to the OPAMP
  • None of the above.

22. The typical value of input offset voltage of a 741 OPAMP is :

  • 2 µV
  • 12 mV
  • 2 V
  • 0.2 V

23. The typical value of input offset Current of a 741 OPAMP is :

  • 10 nA
  • 10 mA
  • 10 pA
  • 100 mA


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