This Portion of Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation contains Microwave and RF Measurement MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.
This Section covers below lists of topics.
- Introduction to RF and Wireless Communication System
- Radio Frequency and Microwave Spectral Analysis
- Radio Frequency Spectrum Analyser
- RF Scalar and Vector Network Analyser
- Modulation
- Communication Systems
- RF Voltage and Power Measurement
1. The bandwidth of RF including microwave is approximately
- 20 Hz to 20 kHz
- 1 kHz to 300 GHz
- 3 GHz to 3000 GHz
- 3 Hz to 300 MHz
2. Identify the wrong statement
- Power in band is the measure of total power within a specified frequency range
- Occupied bandwidth measures bandwidth that contains total power of the signal
- Adjacent channel power measures the way a particular channel and its two adjacent channels distribute power
- Resolution bandwidth measures the smallest frequency that can be resolved
3. In Fourier transform-based spectrum analysers, the resolution bandwidth is
- proportion to the length of window function
- inversely proportional to the sampling frequency
- inversely proportional to the length of the window function
- proportional to the sampling frequency
4. Phase noises are due to
- modulation of the signal with carrier signal
- noise from other signals
- noise due to change of phase during reflection
- noise due to change of phase during transmission in different medium
5. In the sweep generator, if the output is connected to the input of a spectrum analyser then
- a single vertical can be observed
- a single horizontal line can be observed
- a sawtooth wave can be observed
- lot of random lines can be observed
6. Identify the correct statement.
- Carrier frequencies of FM signals are relatively lower than AM signals
- Antennas for FM signals are larger in size than AM antennas.
- FM signals can travel longer distance than AM signals
- FM signals are more immune to noise than AM signals
7. This is not a digital modulation technique:
- Amplitude shift keying
- Phase shift keying
- Frequency shift keying
- Pulse shift keying
8. The sensor used for RF power measurement
- Thermocouple
- Microphone
- Strain gauge
- Photodiode