This Portion of Electrical and Electronic Instrumentation contains Microwave and RF Measurement MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) / Objective Type Questions and Answers.

This Section covers below lists of topics.

  1. Introduction to RF and Wireless Communication System
  2. Radio Frequency and Microwave Spectral Analysis
  3. Radio Frequency Spectrum Analyser
  4. RF Scalar and Vector Network Analyser
  5. Modulation
  6. Communication Systems
  7. RF Voltage and Power Measurement



1. The bandwidth of RF including microwave is approximately

  • 20 Hz to 20 kHz
  • 1 kHz to 300 GHz
  • 3 GHz to 3000 GHz
  • 3 Hz to 300 MHz

2. Identify the wrong statement

  • Power in band is the measure of total power within a specified frequency range
  • Occupied bandwidth measures bandwidth that contains total power of the signal
  • Adjacent channel power measures the way a particular channel and its two adjacent channels distribute power
  • Resolution bandwidth measures the smallest frequency that can be resolved

3. In Fourier transform-based spectrum analysers, the resolution bandwidth is

  • proportion to the length of window function
  • inversely proportional to the sampling frequency
  • inversely proportional to the length of the window function
  • proportional to the sampling frequency

4. Phase noises are due to

  • modulation of the signal with carrier signal
  • noise from other signals
  • noise due to change of phase during reflection
  • noise due to change of phase during transmission in different medium

5. In the sweep generator, if the output is connected to the input of a spectrum analyser then

  • a single vertical can be observed
  • a single horizontal line can be observed
  • a sawtooth wave can be observed
  • lot of random lines can be observed

6. Identify the correct statement.

  • Carrier frequencies of FM signals are relatively lower than AM signals
  • Antennas for FM signals are larger in size than AM antennas.
  • FM signals can travel longer distance than AM signals
  • FM signals are more immune to noise than AM signals

7. This is not a digital modulation technique:

  • Amplitude shift keying
  • Phase shift keying
  • Frequency shift keying
  • Pulse shift keying

8. The sensor used for RF power measurement

  • Thermocouple
  • Microphone
  • Strain gauge
  • Photodiode


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