Here are Top 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focused on the HTML5 features and elements in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) MCQs, along with their answers and explanations.


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1. Which CSS property is used to set the style of an element's text?

  • text-decoration
  • font-style
  • text-align
  • line-height

2. Which CSS property is used to control the space between lines of text in an element?

  • line-height
  • font-weight
  • text-transform
  • letter-spacing

3. What does the CSS property text-transform do?

  • Changes the color of the text
  • Transforms the text to uppercase or lowercase
  • Sets the font size of the text
  • Adjusts the letter spacing

4. Which CSS property is used to specify the thickness of an element's font characters?

  • font-size
  • font-weight
  • font-style
  • line-height

5. What does the CSS property text-decoration control?

  • The text's color
  • The text's alignment
  • Decoration styles like underline, overline, and line-through
  • The text's size

6. What does the CSS property letter-spacing control?

  • The space between words
  • The space between lines
  • The space between letters in a text
  • The space between paragraphs

7. Which CSS property is used to specify the font size of an element's text?

  • font-weight
  • font-style
  • font-size
  • line-height

8. What does the font-family property specify in CSS?

  • The style of the text
  • The color of the text
  • The typeface or font family to be used for the text
  • The alignment of the text

9. Which CSS property is used to set the color of an element's text?

  • font-color
  • text-color
  • color
  • font-style

10. What does the text-align property control in CSS?

  • The space between lines
  • The text's size
  • The alignment of text within an element
  • The text's style

11. Which CSS property is used to set the style of an element's font characters to italic or oblique?

  • font-style
  • font-italic
  • font-transform
  • font-weight

12. What does the font-variant property control in CSS?

  • The capitalization of text
  • The color of the text
  • The font size
  • The letter spacing

13. Which CSS property is used to set the thickness of an element's text characters to a lighter or bolder style?

  • font-weight
  • font-style
  • font-transform
  • font-variant

14. What does the font-stretch property control in CSS?

  • The width of text characters
  • The color of the text
  • The letter spacing
  • The text alignment

15. In CSS, what does the property font-size-adjust control?

  • The color of text
  • The size of text
  • The height of lowercase letters
  • The adjustment of letter spacing

16. What does the text-overflow property control in CSS?

  • The overflow of text beyond the element's boundary
  • The transformation of text to uppercase or lowercase
  • The color of text
  • The space between lines of text

17. What does the word-spacing property control in CSS?

  • The color of text
  • The space between lines of text
  • The alignment of text
  • The space between words in text

18. What does the text-rendering property control in CSS?

  • The rendering quality of text
  • The font size of text
  • The text color
  • The text alignment

19. Which CSS property is used to set the style of an element's underline for text?

  • text-underline-style
  • text-decoration-line
  • text-underline-color
  • text-decoration-style

20. In CSS, what does the text-overflow property value "ellipsis" indicate?

  • Text is displayed without any overflow
  • Text is transformed to uppercase
  • Text is displayed with an ellipsis (...) when it overflows
  • Text is aligned to the center of the element

21. Which CSS property is used to control the alignment of text within an element in the horizontal direction?

  • text-align
  • text-indent
  • text-transform
  • line-height

22. What does the font-kerning property control in CSS?

  • The space between lines of text
  • The space between words
  • The adjustment of letter spacing
  • The rendering quality of fonts

23. In CSS, what does the text-transform value "capitalize" do?

  • Transforms text to lowercase
  • Transforms text to uppercase
  • Transforms the first character of each word to uppercase
  • Transforms text to italics

24. What does the font-variant value "small-caps" do in CSS?

  • Reduces the font size
  • Displays all text in uppercase
  • Converts all text to lowercase
  • Converts lowercase letters to small capitals

25. Which CSS property is used to set the thickness of an element's text characters to a lighter or bolder style?

  • font-weight
  • font-style
  • font-transform
  • font-variant

26. Which CSS property is used to control the case of text, making it all uppercase or lowercase?

  • text-case
  • text-transform
  • text-style
  • font-case

27. What does the text-decoration value "line-through" do in CSS?

  • Adds an underline to the text
  • Adds a line through the text, striking it out
  • Makes the text bold
  • Rotates the text

28. Which CSS property is used to control the spacing between lines of text in an element, and is often expressed as a relative value?

  • font-size
  • line-height
  • text-align
  • letter-spacing

29. What does the CSS property font-variant value "normal" indicate?

  • Displays text in small capitals
  • Applies a specific font style
  • Renders text in bold
  • Maintains the default text style

30. Which CSS property is used to control the space between words in a block of text?

  • word-spacing
  • letter-spacing
  • text-decoration
  • font-style

31. In CSS, what does the property font-size-adjust do?

  • Adjusts the font size of text
  • Controls the color of text
  • Sets the height of lowercase letters
  • Transforms text to uppercase

32. What does the CSS property text-decoration-line control?

  • The color of text
  • The alignment of text
  • Decoration styles like underline, overline, and line-through
  • The thickness of text characters

33. Which CSS property is used to set the alignment of text within an element in the vertical direction?

  • vertical-align
  • text-transform
  • line-height
  • text-align

34. What does the text-overflow property value "clip" indicate in CSS?

  • Text is displayed with an ellipsis (...) when it overflows
  • Text is transformed to uppercase
  • Text is displayed without any overflow
  • Text is aligned to the center of the element

35. What does the letter-spacing value "normal" indicate in CSS?

  • No letter spacing is applied
  • Maximum letter spacing is applied
  • All letters are transformed to lowercase
  • All letters are transformed to uppercase

36. Which CSS property is used to control the color of an element's text?

  • text-color
  • font-color
  • color
  • text-style

37. In CSS, what does the text-align property value "justify" do?

  • Aligns text to the left
  • Aligns text to the right
  • Aligns text to the center
  • Justifies text, creating even spacing between words

38. What does the font-variant value "small-caps" do in CSS?

  • Reduces the font size
  • Displays all text in uppercase
  • Converts all text to lowercase
  • Converts lowercase letters to small capitals

39. What does the font-stretch value "ultra-condensed" indicate in CSS?

  • The text is condensed to a minimal width
  • The text is expanded to a maximum width
  • The text is displayed in lowercase
  • The text is displayed in uppercase

40. What does the word-spacing value "inherit" indicate in CSS?

  • The space between words is set to a fixed value
  • The space between words is set to the default value
  • The space between words inherits the value from the parent element
  • The space between words is reduced to zero

41. Which CSS property is used to control the space between lines of text in an element?

  • line-height
  • letter-spacing
  • text-transform
  • font-weight

42. In CSS, what does the text-align property value "right" do?

  • Aligns text to the left
  • Aligns text to the center
  • Aligns text to the right
  • Justifies text

43. What does the font-size-adjust value "none" indicate in CSS?

  • No font size adjustment is applied
  • All text is displayed in uppercase
  • All text is transformed to lowercase
  • The font size is reduced to the minimum value

44. Which CSS property is used to control the case of text, transforming it to lowercase?

  • text-case
  • text-transform
  • text-style
  • font-case

45. In CSS, what does the text-align property value "center" do?

  • Aligns text to the left
  • Aligns text to the right
  • Aligns text to the center
  • Justifies text

46. What does the text-decoration value "overline" do in CSS?

  • Adds an underline to the text
  • Adds a line through the text, striking it out
  • Adds a line above the text
  • Rotates the text

47. Which CSS property is used to control the vertical alignment of an inline element with respect to its parent element's baseline?

  • vertical-align
  • text-align
  • line-height
  • text-transform

48. What does the text-overflow value "ellipsis" indicate in CSS?

  • Text is displayed without any overflow
  • Text is transformed to uppercase
  • Text is displayed with an ellipsis (...) when it overflows
  • Text is aligned to the center of the element

49. Which CSS property is used to control the case of text, making it all uppercase or lowercase?

  • text-case
  • text-transform
  • text-style
  • font-case

50. In CSS, what does the line-height property value "normal" indicate?

  • No line spacing is applied
  • Maximum line spacing is applied
  • Minimum line spacing is applied
  • Line spacing is adjusted based on the font size

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