Here are Top 25 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focused on the HTML5 features and elements in Security Best Practices MCQs, along with their answers and explanations.


1. What does the HTTP header "X-Content-Type-Options" with the value "nosniff" do?

  • Prevents the browser from rendering the page if MIME types are not specified
  • Enables cross-origin resource sharing
  • Allows inline scripts and styles in the content
  • Disables cookies for a specific domain

2. What does the "Content Security Policy" (CSP) HTTP header do?

  • Specifies the preferred content encoding for the response
  • Prevents clickjacking attacks
  • Defines the allowed sources of content that the browser may load
  • Controls browser caching behavior

3. Which HTTP header helps prevent clickjacking attacks by controlling who can embed the web page?

  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • Content-Security-Policy
  • X-Frame-Options
  • X-XSS-Protection

4. What does the "Strict-Transport-Security" (HSTS) HTTP header do?

  • Provides secure user authentication
  • Forces the browser to load resources over HTTPS
  • Enforces a strong password policy
  • Enables two-factor authentication

5. Which HTTP header instructs the browser to block mixed content (HTTP content on an HTTPS page)?

  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  • Content-Security-Policy
  • X-Frame-Options
  • X-Content-Type-Options

6. What does the HTTP header "X-XSS-Protection" with the value "1; mode=block" do?

  • Enforces strict password policies
  • Blocks JavaScript code injection attempts
  • Enables two-factor authentication
  • Disables browser caching

7. What does "Clickjacking" refer to in web security?

  • A type of social engineering attack
  • A method to secure server hardware
  • An attack that tricks users into clicking on hidden malicious elements
  • A way to accelerate content delivery

8. Which HTTP header allows you to specify who can make cross-origin requests to your web server?

  • X-Frame-Options
  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • Content-Security-Policy
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin

9. What is the primary purpose of the "Referrer-Policy" HTTP header?

  • To specify the preferred content encoding for the response
  • To control how the browser handles the "Referer" header in requests
  • To disable cookies for a specific domain
  • To prevent clickjacking attacks

10. What does the "Expect-CT" HTTP header do?

  • Forces the browser to load resources over HTTPS
  • Enforces a strong password policy
  • Instructs the browser to check that certificates are valid and issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs)
  • Enables two-factor authentication

11. Which HTTP header is used to specify the preferred content encoding for the response?

  • X-Frame-Options
  • Content-Security-Policy
  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • Content-Encoding

12. What is "SQL Injection" in web security?

  • An attack that tricks users into clicking on hidden malicious elements
  • A type of social engineering attack
  • An attack that allows unauthorized access to a web server
  • An attack that exploits vulnerabilities in SQL queries to manipulate a database

13. What does the "Cross-Origin Embedder Policy" (COEP) HTTP header do?

  • Enforces a strong password policy
  • Allows cross-origin requests to access certain resources
  • Specifies the preferred content encoding for the response
  • Controls how cross-origin content is embedded in a page

14. Which HTTP header is used to control how cross-origin content is embedded in a page?

  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • Content-Security-Policy
  • Referrer-Policy
  • Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy

15. What is the primary goal of a "Security Assessment" in web security?

  • To control browser caching behavior
  • To impersonate a legitimate user
  • To identify and evaluate security risks and vulnerabilities
  • To enable cross-origin resource sharing

16. What does "Cross-Site Scripting" (XSS) refer to in web security?

  • A type of social engineering attack
  • A method to secure server hardware
  • An attack that exploits vulnerabilities in SQL queries
  • An attack that injects malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users

17. Which HTTP header is used to control how the browser handles the "Referer" header in requests?

  • X-Frame-Options
  • X-XSS-Protection
  • Referrer-Policy
  • Content-Security-Policy

18. What does the "Cross-Site Request Forgery" (CSRF) attack do?

  • Manipulates a web application's session
  • Impersonates a legitimate user
  • Forces the browser to load resources over HTTPS
  • Executes malicious actions on behalf of an authenticated user without their consent

19. What is the primary goal of a "Penetration Test" in web security?

  • To enforce a strong password policy
  • To enable cross-origin resource sharing
  • To identify and exploit vulnerabilities in a system
  • To evaluate the security of a system by simulating attacks

20. Which HTTP header helps prevent MIME-based attacks by specifying the preferred content type for the response?

  • Content-Encoding
  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • X-Frame-Options
  • Referrer-Policy

21. What does "Cross-Site Request Forgery" (CSRF) refer to in web security?

  • A type of social engineering attack
  • A way to accelerate content delivery
  • An attack that tricks users into revealing sensitive information
  • An attack that forces an authenticated user to perform actions without their consent

22. Which HTTP header enforces a strong password policy for user authentication?

  • X-Frame-Options
  • Strict-Transport-Security
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  • Content-Security-Policy

23. What does the HTTP header "Expect-CT" do?

  • Specifies the preferred content encoding for the response
  • Enforces a strong password policy
  • Instructs the browser to check that certificates are valid and issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs)
  • Prevents cross-origin requests

24. Which HTTP header is used to specify a strong password policy for user authentication?

  • X-Content-Type-Options
  • X-XSS-Protection
  • Strict-Transport-Security
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin

25. What does "MIME" stand for in the context of web security?

  • Multiple Input, Multiple Output
  • Multi-Instance, Multi-Environment
  • Message Integrity, Message Encryption
  • Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

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