Here are Top 25 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focused on the HTML5 features and elements in Web Development Tools MCQs, along with their answers and explanations.


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1. What is Git primarily used for?

  • Creating web applications
  • Tracking changes in source code and managing version history
  • Managing databases
  • Running server-side scripts

2. What does the term "commit" mean in Git?

  • To submit a bug report
  • To send code to a remote server
  • To record changes in a repository
  • To merge two branches

3. Which Git command is used to create a new branch?

  • git create
  • git branch
  • git commit
  • git checkout

4. In Git, what is the purpose of the "clone" command?

  • To create a new branch
  • To record changes in a repository
  • To create a copy of a remote repository
  • To switch to a different branch

5. What is the Git command for adding changes to the staging area?

  • git commit
  • git add
  • git push
  • git pull

6. What is a "repository" in Git?

  • A collection of HTML files
  • A directory where Git stores its configuration
  • A container for version-controlled files and their history
  • A remote server used for collaboration

7. What is the purpose of the ".gitignore" file in a Git repository?

  • It contains the Git configuration settings
  • It stores the commit messages
  • It specifies files and directories to be ignored by Git
  • It lists remote repositories

8. What does a Git "branch" represent?

  • A single file in the repository
  • A specific version of the software
  • A copy of a remote repository
  • A separate line of development

9. What is the Git command to create and switch to a new branch in one step?

  • git checkout -b branch_name
  • git branch branch_name
  • git create branch_name
  • git new branch_name

10. In Git, what is a "remote"?

  • A branch with special privileges
  • A copy of a local repository
  • A server-side repository
  • A file storage location

11. What is the Git command for merging one branch into another?

  • git merge
  • git branch
  • git pull
  • git push

12. What is the purpose of the "git log" command in Git?

  • To create a new commit
  • To view the commit history
  • To switch branches
  • To remove a file from the repository

13. Which Git command is used to push changes to a remote repository?

  • git pull
  • git push
  • git commit
  • git merge

14. What is the primary purpose of the "git status" command in Git?

  • To view the commit history
  • To create a new branch
  • To check the status of the working directory and staging area
  • To switch to a different branch

15. What does the "git pull" command do in Git?

  • It pushes changes to a remote repository
  • It creates a new branch
  • It retrieves changes from a remote repository and merges them into the current branch
  • It discards all changes in the working directory

16. What is a "conflict" in Git?

  • A critical bug in the code
  • An error message produced by Git
  • A disagreement between team members
  • A situation where Git cannot automatically merge changes

17. What is the Git command for creating a new local branch based on a remote branch?

  • git new-branch branch_name
  • git branch -r branch_name
  • git checkout -b branch_name origin/branch_name
  • git create branch_name

18. What is the purpose of the "git revert" command in Git?

  • To discard changes and reset the repository to a previous state
  • To create a new branch
  • To undo a previous commit by creating a new commit
  • To merge two branches

19. Which Git command is used to remove a file from version control but keep it in the working directory?

  • git delete
  • git remove
  • git untrack
  • git rm --cached

20. What is the purpose of the "git tag" command in Git?

  • To create a new branch
  • To add a tag to a specific commit
  • To remove a remote repository
  • To merge two branches

21. What is the purpose of the "git stash" command in Git?

  • To permanently delete a branch
  • To hide uncommitted changes and switch to a different branch
  • To rename a branch
  • To push changes to a remote repository

22. What is a "pull request" in the context of Git and GitHub?

  • A request to merge two remote repositories
  • A request to fetch changes from a remote repository
  • A request to merge changes from one branch into another
  • A request to delete a repository

23. What is the purpose of the "git remote" command in Git?

  • To create a new branch
  • To view and manage remote repositories
  • To merge branches
  • To create a new commit

24. What is the Git command for discarding changes in the working directory and staging area?

  • git cancel
  • git reset
  • git discard
  • git remove

25. In Git, what is a "fork" on a platform like GitHub?

  • A branch that is no longer in use
  • A copy of a remote repository owned by another user or organization
  • A type of tag used to mark specific commits
  • A server used for hosting Git repositories

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