Here are Top 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focused on the HTML5 features and elements in JavaScript MCQs, along with their answers and explanations.
1. What does DOM stand for in JavaScript?
- Document Object Model
- Data Object Model
- Document Over Model
- Dynamic Object Model
DOM stands for Document Object Model, which represents the structure of HTML documents.
2. How can you access an HTML element with the id "myElement" using JavaScript?
- document.getElementById("myElement")
- getElementById("myElement")
- element.getElementById("myElement")
- HTML.getElementById("myElement")
You can access an HTML element with a specific id using document.getElementById("myElement").
3. Which method can be used to change the content of an HTML element using JavaScript?
- setContent()
- innerHTML()
- setInnerHTML()
- innerHTML
You can change the content of an HTML element using the innerHTML property.
4. What is the purpose of the document.querySelector() method in JavaScript?
- To create a new HTML element
- To remove an HTML element
- To select the first element that matches a specified CSS selector
- To change the document's URL
The document.querySelector() method is used to select the first element that matches a specified CSS selector.
5. Which JavaScript method is used to create a new HTML element?
- createElement()
- create()
- newElement()
- addElement()
The createElement() method is used to create a new HTML element in JavaScript.
6. How can you append a child element to a parent element in the DOM using JavaScript?
- appendChild()
- addElement()
- append()
- addChild()
You can append a child element to a parent element using the appendChild() method in JavaScript.
7. What is the purpose of the innerHTML property in JavaScript?
- To create a new HTML element
- To access an element's attributes
- To change the content of an HTML element
- To select elements by their class name
The innerHTML property is used to change the content of an HTML element.
8. How can you remove an HTML element from the DOM using JavaScript?
- removeElement()
- deleteElement()
- removeChild()
- deleteChild()
You can remove an HTML element from the DOM using the removeChild() method.
9. What is the purpose of the textContent property in JavaScript?
- To access an element's attributes
- To change the content of an HTML element
- To create a new HTML element
- To select elements by their class name
The textContent property is used to change the text content of an HTML element.
10. How can you select all elements with a specific class name using JavaScript?
- document.getElementsClass()
- document.getElementsByClassName()
- document.selectClass()
- document.queryByClass()
You can select all elements with a specific class name using document.getElementsByClassName().
11. What is the purpose of the setAttribute() method in JavaScript?
- To change an element's class name
- To add a new HTML element
- To remove an HTML element
- To set or change an element's attribute value
The setAttribute() method is used to set or change an element's attribute value.
12. How can you change the style of an HTML element using JavaScript?
- setStyle()
- changeStyle()
- elementStyle()
- style
You can change the style of an HTML element using the style property in JavaScript.
13. What is the purpose of the removeAttribute() method in JavaScript?
- To change an element's class name
- To add a new HTML element
- To remove an HTML element
- To remove an element's attribute
The removeAttribute() method is used to remove an element's attribute in JavaScript.
14. How can you add a class to an HTML element using JavaScript?
- addClass()
- addToClass()
- element.addClass()
- classList.add()
You can add a class to an HTML element using classList.add() in JavaScript.
15. What is the purpose of the classList property in JavaScript?
- To create a new HTML element
- To access an element's attributes
- To manipulate an element's class list
- To change the content of an HTML element
The classList property is used to manipulate an element's class list.
16. How can you check if an HTML element has a specific class using JavaScript?
- hasClass()
- containsClass()
- hasClassName()
- classList.contains()
You can check if an HTML element has a specific class using classList.contains() in JavaScript.
17. What is the purpose of the addEventListener() method in JavaScript?
- To change an element's class name
- To remove an HTML element
- To attach an event handler to an element
- To select elements by their tag name
The addEventListener() method is used to attach an event handler to an element in JavaScript.
18. How can you prevent the default behavior of an event in JavaScript?
- preventDefault()
- stopPropagation()
- stopEvent()
- cancelEvent()
You can prevent the default behavior of an event in JavaScript using the preventDefault() method.
19. What is the purpose of the stopPropagation() method in JavaScript?
- To change an element's class name
- To add a new HTML element
- To prevent the default behavior of an event
- To stop the event from bubbling up the DOM tree
The stopPropagation() method is used to stop the event from bubbling up the DOM tree.
20. How can you select all elements with a specific tag name using JavaScript?
- document.getElementsByTag()
- document.selectByTagName()
- document.getElementsByTagName()
- document.queryByTag()
You can select all elements with a specific tag name using document.getElementsByTagName().
21. What is the purpose of the createTextNode() method in JavaScript?
- To create a new HTML element
- To add text content to an element
- To change the content of an HTML element
- To remove an HTML element
The createTextNode() method is used to add text content to an element.
22. How can you retrieve the parent node of an HTML element using JavaScript?
- parentNode()
- getElementParent()
- parentElement()
- parentNode
You can retrieve the parent node of an HTML element using the parentNode property.
23. What is the purpose of the insertBefore() method in JavaScript?
- To create a new HTML element
- To add an element before a specified element
- To change the content of an HTML element
- To remove an HTML element
The insertBefore() method is used to add an element before a specified element in JavaScript.
24. How can you change the value of an HTML input element using JavaScript?
- inputValue()
- changeValue()
- value
- setValue()
You can change the value of an HTML input element using the value property in JavaScript.
25. What is the purpose of the removeChild() method in JavaScript?
- To change an element's class name
- To add a new HTML element
- To remove an HTML element
- To change an element's attribute value
The removeChild() method is used to remove an HTML element from the DOM in JavaScript.
26. Which JavaScript method is used to change the value of an HTML input element without submitting the form?
- changeValue()
- setValue()
- updateValue()
- setAttribute()
You can change the value of an HTML input element without submitting the form using the setValue() method.
27. How can you select all elements with a specific tag name and class name using JavaScript?
- document.getElementsByTagAndClass()
- document.queryByTagAndClass()
- document.getElementsByTagAndClassName()
- document.querySelectorAll()
You can select all elements with a specific tag name and class name using document.querySelectorAll().
28. What is the purpose of the appendChild() method in JavaScript?
- To add a new HTML element
- To remove an HTML element
- To append a child element to a parent element
- To change the document's URL
The appendChild() method is used to append a child element to a parent element in JavaScript.
29. How can you change the text of an HTML element using JavaScript?
- text()
- changeText()
- textContent
- innerText()
You can change the text of an HTML element using the textContent property in JavaScript.
30. What is the purpose of the createElementNS() method in JavaScript?
- To create a new HTML element with a specified namespace
- To change an element's class name
- To remove an HTML element
- To create a new HTML element without a namespace
The createElementNS() method is used to create a new HTML element with a specified namespace in JavaScript.
31. How can you change the class name of an HTML element using JavaScript?
- addClassName()
- setClassName()
- elementClassName()
- className
You can change the class name of an HTML element using the className property in JavaScript.
32. What is the purpose of the classList.remove() method in JavaScript?
- To remove an element's attribute
- To remove a class from an element's class list
- To create a new HTML element
- To change the style of an element
The classList.remove() method is used to remove a class from an element's class list in JavaScript.
33. How can you toggle a class on an HTML element using JavaScript?
- toggleClass()
- toggleClassList()
- element.toggleClass()
- classList.toggle()
You can toggle a class on an HTML element using classList.toggle() in JavaScript.
34. What is the purpose of the insertAdjacentHTML() method in JavaScript?
- To create a new HTML element
- To add text content to an element
- To insert HTML content at a specified position relative to an element
- To remove an HTML element
The insertAdjacentHTML() method is used to insert HTML content at a specified position relative to an element in JavaScript.
35. How can you create a text node using JavaScript?
- createTextNode()
- newTextNode()
- textNode()
- generateTextNode()
You can create a text node using the createTextNode() method in JavaScript.
36. What is the purpose of the firstChild property in JavaScript?
- To access an element's attributes
- To retrieve the first child node of an element
- To change the style of an element
- To select elements by their tag name
The firstChild property is used to retrieve the first child node of an element in JavaScript.
37. How can you replace an HTML element with another element using JavaScript?
- replaceWith()
- changeElement()
- element.replace()
- replaceChild()
You can replace an HTML element with another element using the replaceWith() method in JavaScript.
38. What is the purpose of the offsetWidth property in JavaScript?
- To change the content of an HTML element
- To get the width of an element including padding and borders
- To create a new HTML element
- To access an element's attributes
The offsetWidth property is used to get the width of an element including padding and borders.
39. How can you change the value of an HTML input element of type "checkbox" using JavaScript?
- setCheckboxValue()
- checkboxValue()
- checked
- value
You can change the value of an HTML input element of type "checkbox" using the checked property in JavaScript.
40. What is the purpose of the setAttributeNS() method in JavaScript?
- To change an element's attribute value
- To add a new HTML element
- To create a new HTML element with a specified namespace
- To remove an HTML element
The setAttributeNS() method is used to change an element's attribute value in JavaScript.
41. How can you select the parent element of an HTML element using JavaScript?
- selectParentElement()
- parentElement()
- getParent()
- parent()
You can select the parent element of an HTML element using the parentElement property in JavaScript.
42. What is the purpose of the replaceChild() method in JavaScript?
- To change an element's class name
- To add a new HTML element
- To replace a child element with another element
- To remove an HTML element
The replaceChild() method is used to replace a child element with another element in JavaScript.
43. How can you create a comment node using JavaScript?
- createComment()
- newComment()
- commentNode()
- generateComment()
You can create a comment node using the createComment() method in JavaScript.
44. What is the purpose of the nextSibling property in JavaScript?
- To change the content of an HTML element
- To access an element's attributes
- To retrieve the next sibling node of an element
- To select elements by their tag name
The nextSibling property is used to retrieve the next sibling node of an element in JavaScript.
45. How can you check if an HTML element has a specific attribute using JavaScript?
- hasAttribute()
- containsAttribute()
- hasAttributeName()
- attributeList.has()
You can check if an HTML element has a specific attribute using the hasAttribute() method in JavaScript.
46. What is the purpose of the removeAttributeNS() method in JavaScript?
- To change an element's class name
- To add a new HTML element
- To remove an element's attribute with a specified namespace
- To change the style of an element
The removeAttributeNS() method is used to remove an element's attribute with a specified namespace in JavaScript.
47. How can you get the computed style of an HTML element using JavaScript?
- getStyle()
- getComputedStyle()
- elementStyle()
- style.getComputed()
You can get the computed style of an HTML element using the getComputedStyle() method in JavaScript.
48. What is the purpose of the querySelectorAll() method in JavaScript?
- To create a new HTML element
- To select all elements that match a specified CSS selector
- To add text content to an element
- To remove an HTML element
The querySelectorAll() method is used to select all elements that match a specified CSS selector.
49. How can you remove an attribute from an HTML element using JavaScript?
- removeAttribute()
- deleteAttribute()
- attributeList.remove()
- removeAttr()
You can remove an attribute from an HTML element using the removeAttribute() method in JavaScript.
50. What is the purpose of the classList.replace() method in JavaScript?
- To add a class to an element's class list
- To replace a class in an element's class list with another class
- To create a new HTML element
- To change an element's attribute value
The classList.replace() method is used to replace a class in an element's class list with another class in JavaScript.