Here are Top 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focused on the HTML5 features and elements in JavaScript MCQs, along with their answers and explanations.


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1. What does DOM stand for in JavaScript?

  • Document Object Model
  • Data Object Model
  • Document Over Model
  • Dynamic Object Model

2. How can you access an HTML element with the id "myElement" using JavaScript?

  • document.getElementById("myElement")
  • getElementById("myElement")
  • element.getElementById("myElement")
  • HTML.getElementById("myElement")

3. Which method can be used to change the content of an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • setContent()
  • innerHTML()
  • setInnerHTML()
  • innerHTML

4. What is the purpose of the document.querySelector() method in JavaScript?

  • To create a new HTML element
  • To remove an HTML element
  • To select the first element that matches a specified CSS selector
  • To change the document's URL

5. Which JavaScript method is used to create a new HTML element?

  • createElement()
  • create()
  • newElement()
  • addElement()

6. How can you append a child element to a parent element in the DOM using JavaScript?

  • appendChild()
  • addElement()
  • append()
  • addChild()

7. What is the purpose of the innerHTML property in JavaScript?

  • To create a new HTML element
  • To access an element's attributes
  • To change the content of an HTML element
  • To select elements by their class name

8. How can you remove an HTML element from the DOM using JavaScript?

  • removeElement()
  • deleteElement()
  • removeChild()
  • deleteChild()

9. What is the purpose of the textContent property in JavaScript?

  • To access an element's attributes
  • To change the content of an HTML element
  • To create a new HTML element
  • To select elements by their class name

10. How can you select all elements with a specific class name using JavaScript?

  • document.getElementsClass()
  • document.getElementsByClassName()
  • document.selectClass()
  • document.queryByClass()

11. What is the purpose of the setAttribute() method in JavaScript?

  • To change an element's class name
  • To add a new HTML element
  • To remove an HTML element
  • To set or change an element's attribute value

12. How can you change the style of an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • setStyle()
  • changeStyle()
  • elementStyle()
  • style

13. What is the purpose of the removeAttribute() method in JavaScript?

  • To change an element's class name
  • To add a new HTML element
  • To remove an HTML element
  • To remove an element's attribute

14. How can you add a class to an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • addClass()
  • addToClass()
  • element.addClass()
  • classList.add()

15. What is the purpose of the classList property in JavaScript?

  • To create a new HTML element
  • To access an element's attributes
  • To manipulate an element's class list
  • To change the content of an HTML element

16. How can you check if an HTML element has a specific class using JavaScript?

  • hasClass()
  • containsClass()
  • hasClassName()
  • classList.contains()

17. What is the purpose of the addEventListener() method in JavaScript?

  • To change an element's class name
  • To remove an HTML element
  • To attach an event handler to an element
  • To select elements by their tag name

18. How can you prevent the default behavior of an event in JavaScript?

  • preventDefault()
  • stopPropagation()
  • stopEvent()
  • cancelEvent()

19. What is the purpose of the stopPropagation() method in JavaScript?

  • To change an element's class name
  • To add a new HTML element
  • To prevent the default behavior of an event
  • To stop the event from bubbling up the DOM tree

20. How can you select all elements with a specific tag name using JavaScript?

  • document.getElementsByTag()
  • document.selectByTagName()
  • document.getElementsByTagName()
  • document.queryByTag()

21. What is the purpose of the createTextNode() method in JavaScript?

  • To create a new HTML element
  • To add text content to an element
  • To change the content of an HTML element
  • To remove an HTML element

22. How can you retrieve the parent node of an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • parentNode()
  • getElementParent()
  • parentElement()
  • parentNode

23. What is the purpose of the insertBefore() method in JavaScript?

  • To create a new HTML element
  • To add an element before a specified element
  • To change the content of an HTML element
  • To remove an HTML element

24. How can you change the value of an HTML input element using JavaScript?

  • inputValue()
  • changeValue()
  • value
  • setValue()

25. What is the purpose of the removeChild() method in JavaScript?

  • To change an element's class name
  • To add a new HTML element
  • To remove an HTML element
  • To change an element's attribute value

26. Which JavaScript method is used to change the value of an HTML input element without submitting the form?

  • changeValue()
  • setValue()
  • updateValue()
  • setAttribute()

27. How can you select all elements with a specific tag name and class name using JavaScript?

  • document.getElementsByTagAndClass()
  • document.queryByTagAndClass()
  • document.getElementsByTagAndClassName()
  • document.querySelectorAll()

28. What is the purpose of the appendChild() method in JavaScript?

  • To add a new HTML element
  • To remove an HTML element
  • To append a child element to a parent element
  • To change the document's URL

29. How can you change the text of an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • text()
  • changeText()
  • textContent
  • innerText()

30. What is the purpose of the createElementNS() method in JavaScript?

  • To create a new HTML element with a specified namespace
  • To change an element's class name
  • To remove an HTML element
  • To create a new HTML element without a namespace

31. How can you change the class name of an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • addClassName()
  • setClassName()
  • elementClassName()
  • className

32. What is the purpose of the classList.remove() method in JavaScript?

  • To remove an element's attribute
  • To remove a class from an element's class list
  • To create a new HTML element
  • To change the style of an element

33. How can you toggle a class on an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • toggleClass()
  • toggleClassList()
  • element.toggleClass()
  • classList.toggle()

34. What is the purpose of the insertAdjacentHTML() method in JavaScript?

  • To create a new HTML element
  • To add text content to an element
  • To insert HTML content at a specified position relative to an element
  • To remove an HTML element

35. How can you create a text node using JavaScript?

  • createTextNode()
  • newTextNode()
  • textNode()
  • generateTextNode()

36. What is the purpose of the firstChild property in JavaScript?

  • To access an element's attributes
  • To retrieve the first child node of an element
  • To change the style of an element
  • To select elements by their tag name

37. How can you replace an HTML element with another element using JavaScript?

  • replaceWith()
  • changeElement()
  • element.replace()
  • replaceChild()

38. What is the purpose of the offsetWidth property in JavaScript?

  • To change the content of an HTML element
  • To get the width of an element including padding and borders
  • To create a new HTML element
  • To access an element's attributes

39. How can you change the value of an HTML input element of type "checkbox" using JavaScript?

  • setCheckboxValue()
  • checkboxValue()
  • checked
  • value

40. What is the purpose of the setAttributeNS() method in JavaScript?

  • To change an element's attribute value
  • To add a new HTML element
  • To create a new HTML element with a specified namespace
  • To remove an HTML element

41. How can you select the parent element of an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • selectParentElement()
  • parentElement()
  • getParent()
  • parent()

42. What is the purpose of the replaceChild() method in JavaScript?

  • To change an element's class name
  • To add a new HTML element
  • To replace a child element with another element
  • To remove an HTML element

43. How can you create a comment node using JavaScript?

  • createComment()
  • newComment()
  • commentNode()
  • generateComment()

44. What is the purpose of the nextSibling property in JavaScript?

  • To change the content of an HTML element
  • To access an element's attributes
  • To retrieve the next sibling node of an element
  • To select elements by their tag name

45. How can you check if an HTML element has a specific attribute using JavaScript?

  • hasAttribute()
  • containsAttribute()
  • hasAttributeName()
  • attributeList.has()

46. What is the purpose of the removeAttributeNS() method in JavaScript?

  • To change an element's class name
  • To add a new HTML element
  • To remove an element's attribute with a specified namespace
  • To change the style of an element

47. How can you get the computed style of an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • getStyle()
  • getComputedStyle()
  • elementStyle()
  • style.getComputed()

48. What is the purpose of the querySelectorAll() method in JavaScript?

  • To create a new HTML element
  • To select all elements that match a specified CSS selector
  • To add text content to an element
  • To remove an HTML element

49. How can you remove an attribute from an HTML element using JavaScript?

  • removeAttribute()
  • deleteAttribute()
  • attributeList.remove()
  • removeAttr()

50. What is the purpose of the classList.replace() method in JavaScript?

  • To add a class to an element's class list
  • To replace a class in an element's class list with another class
  • To create a new HTML element
  • To change an element's attribute value

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